Punch Card Tuition

Piano lessons aren't just for kids! As someone who enjoys learning new things, I understand the interest in adult piano lessons. However, I also understand adults don't always have the same ability to commit to year-round lessons and regular practice as school students do.

Piano lessons are an entirely self-motivated activity amidst your busy life.

With punch card tuition, purchase 5 lessons, schedule them around your conflicts, and have plenty of time to practice in between. Lessons can be geared toward learning specific pieces, music reading skills, playing by ear, improving technique, or general enjoyment of continuous learning. Schedule a visit to the studio to find out if it's the right fit for you!

Students are encouraged to schedule lessons consecutively, but have 90 days/3 months from the date of purchase to use lessons. No refunds for unused lessons after 90 day expiration date. Depending on availability, lessons can be re-scheduled with considerate notice. There are no make-ups for last minute cancellations, but a Zoom lesson is available during your scheduled time if you simply can't make it to the studio. School students commit to the entire year, thus their lesson time is guaranteed for the year. Punch card lesson time is guaranteed only if you schedule it on the date of purchase.

Please note that lesson times are currently only available on weekdays before 3:00 pm.